19 Mar Tracking tools found on EU government and health websites
The trackers, used to monitor user behaviour online, were found on thousands of official web pages. Source: BBC Technology News...
The trackers, used to monitor user behaviour online, were found on thousands of official web pages. Source: BBC Technology News...
A Republican congressman said the platform didn't crack down on "defamatory" tweets. Source: BBC Technology News...
The group could not prove that everybody who received its promotional message had consented. Source: BBC Technology News...
Executives promise to examine a Snapchat feature which has been criticised as potentially addictive. Source: BBC Technology News...
Facebook says 4,000 people viewed the original attack video and fewer than 200 watched it live. Source: BBC Technology News...
The firm had more orders per week, but their average size was slightly lower. Source: BBC Technology News...
The Norwegian firm, which employs 35,000 people worldwide, has switched to manual controls at some plants. Source: BBC Technology News...
As Venezuela staggers under political and economic crises, its citizens are embracing digital money. Source: BBC Technology News...
Fans say they feel misled by OWNAFC amid claims they could "take charge of a real life football club". Source: BBC Technology News...
Payment processor WorldPay, once part of RBS bank, is sold to Fidelity National Information Services. Source: BBC Technology News...