19 Apr Almost a quarter of kids aged 5-7 have smartphones
The regulator calls the data a "wake up call", and says parents and industry need to do more. Source: BBC Technology News...
The regulator calls the data a "wake up call", and says parents and industry need to do more. Source: BBC Technology News...
Thousands of Chinese companies are making synthetic opioids and shipping them around the world. Source: BBC Technology News...
The winemakers using artificial intelligence to help them grow grapes and blend their wines. Source: BBC Technology News...
The deal, if approved by shareholders and judges, would be the largest in corporate America. Source: BBC Technology News...
The platform has been given 24 hours to provide information about the potential risks of TikTok Lite. Source: BBC Technology News...
Boston Dynamics' human-like Atlas robot is "retired" after 11 years. Source: BBC Technology News...
A new software update stops the Palestinian flag emoji appearing when iPhone users type "Jerusalem". Source: BBC Technology News...
Undersea fibre-optic cables help keep us online - but what happens when they break? Source: BBC Technology News...
A new AI-fuelled gadget has fallen foul of the tech world's expectations. Source: BBC Technology News...
A former Tesla engineer is in a decade-long battle with the car company, owned by Elon Musk. Source: BBC Technology News...