03 Feb eBay boosted by Christmas surge in online orders
eBay saw sales jump as shoppers turned to online shopping for Christmas presents during lockdown. Source: BBC Technology News...
eBay saw sales jump as shoppers turned to online shopping for Christmas presents during lockdown. Source: BBC Technology News...
The regulator wants people to change provider more easily, but feels many people are put off switching. Source: BBC Technology News...
Publisher Activision has banned more than 60,000 accounts in one day for cheating on the video game. Source: BBC Technology News...
Mr Jassy has been at Amazon for 23 years - and currently runs its profit-making web services business. Source: BBC Technology News...
The Advertising Standards Authority ruling applies to brands and influencers on social media. Source: BBC Technology News...
Two Madrid hospitals are using tech to measure how much pain non-communicative patients are in. Source: BBC Technology News...
Michael Birch sold Bebo for $850m in 2008, but now plans to revive it with a focus on profiles. Source: BBC Technology News...
Ten women in Yemen’s Abs district have built and now run a solar microgrid. Source: BBC Technology News...
Technology reporter Zoe Kleinman keeps a video diary of the times she shares data with tech companies. Source: BBC Technology News...
Alphabet's revenues jump as advertisers unleash spending on Google during the pandemic. Source: BBC Technology News...