13 Feb Viewsnight: 'Why are the apps of the future using Victorian working practices?'
Polly Mackenzie argues that workers in the gig economy must have stronger employment protections. Source: BBC Technology News...
Polly Mackenzie argues that workers in the gig economy must have stronger employment protections. Source: BBC Technology News...
Online dating has become the standard way to find a partner these days. Can AI make it even better? Source: BBC Technology News...
A German regional court rules that the social network failed to obtain proper consent to some of its features. Source: BBC Technology News...
A US senator gives the credit rating firm a week to reveal more information about 2017's cyber-attack. Source: BBC Technology News...
Unilever says it will not invest in platforms that do not police extremist and criminal content. Source: BBC Technology News...
Data centres mining the crypto-currency will use more electricity than homes this year, an energy firm says. Source: BBC Technology News...
The website for the Games suddenly went offline on 9 February after being attacked, officials say. Source: BBC Technology News...
The move comes as the retailer increases its collaboration with specialist games firm Game Digital. Source: BBC Technology News...
Cryptocurrencies are being used by criminals to launder billions of pounds, Europol warns. Source: BBC Technology News...
Spencer Kelly explains all - with the help of a stuffed penguin. Source: BBC Technology News...