02 Oct Why are so few women inventors named on patents?
Women inventors account for just under 13% of patent applications globally, according to a study. Source: BBC Technology News...
Women inventors account for just under 13% of patent applications globally, according to a study. Source: BBC Technology News...
Drones can be used to work out the body mass of the largest animals on the planet, helping in their conservation. Source: BBC Technology News...
Leaked recordings reveal Mark Zuckerberg's views on a potential break-up of Facebook. Source: BBC Technology News...
A High Court judge rules an auto-signature at the end of an email makes it legally binding. Source: BBC Technology News...
The new camera supports bolt-on modules, but might struggle to convince existing users to upgrade. Source: BBC Technology News...
Seriously sick patients could get help to recover via sensors that keep an eye on antibiotics in their blood. Source: BBC Technology News...
The engineer could face five years in jail for stealing sexual images and videos from user accounts. Source: BBC Technology News...
A two-year trial found an improvement in symptoms for military veterans with PTSD. Source: BBC Technology News...
At their peak, pagers were used by more than 10m people in Japan - but just 1,500 subscribers remained. Source: BBC Technology News...
Schools report growing worries about young people being tricked by emotional appeals online. Source: BBC Technology News...