12 Dec The NHS robots performing major surgery
It all seems futuristic but 2019 has seen a boom in the use of cutting edge robotic technology. Source: BBC Technology News...
It all seems futuristic but 2019 has seen a boom in the use of cutting edge robotic technology. Source: BBC Technology News...
The new game on US university campuses is behind computer screens as esports gets major investment. Source: BBC Technology News...
Eleven models are not expected to get a fix until after the Christmas holiday season. Source: BBC Technology News...
Videos containing insults based on race and sexual orientation will be removed, YouTube says. Source: BBC Technology News...
Super Smash Bros is the only first-party Nintendo title approved for sale in the country. Source: BBC Technology News...
Internet company is accused of only asking for a name and date of birth before sharing personal data. Source: BBC Technology News...
Do you know how to eat a pineapple, who Caitlyn Jenner is or what is Area 51 is? Source: BBC Technology News...
A fully electric seaplane flight has been hailed by operators as the start of a third "aviation era". Source: BBC Technology News...
The global investigation, led by Spain's National Police, tracked down 33 members of the group. Source: BBC Technology News...
The team behind the fasted automated drone walked away with $1m. Source: BBC Technology News...