27 Apr Microsoft Teams fixes funny Gifs cyber-attack flaw
Security researchers found a way to infiltrate accounts by making people look at Gif images. Source: BBC Technology News...
Security researchers found a way to infiltrate accounts by making people look at Gif images. Source: BBC Technology News...
Kate Russell looks at some education related websites that could be useful during lockdown. Source: BBC Technology News...
Campaigners say 90% fewer suspicious web addresses have been deleted during the pandemic. Source: BBC Technology News...
The Australian government app notifies users if they have had contact with a user who has Covid-19. Source: BBC Technology News...
With the nation urged to stay at home, a night out in a virtual club proves a big draw for three friends. Source: BBC Technology News...
The BBC's Cody Godwin invites some robots to entertain her - and her dog Bogart - during lockdown. Source: BBC Technology News...
How lockdown has opened up new ways to play music, as long as the technology works. Source: BBC Technology News...
The social media giant said it worked with cryptographers to devise ways of excluding unwanted guests. Source: BBC Technology News...
A delivery drones trial between Hampshir and the Isle of Wight has been brought forward. Source: BBC Technology News...
Firm's founder says demand is less than envisioned but the government says tests are ongoing. Source: BBC Technology News...