26 Jan Like a good deal? Maybe a hagglebot can help
Artificial intelligence is getting better at negotiating and research promises systems that could help you. Source: BBC Technology News...
Artificial intelligence is getting better at negotiating and research promises systems that could help you. Source: BBC Technology News...
Heavier than the Eiffel Tower, the tunnel was moved at 150cm per hour over nine days. Source: BBC Technology News...
The bot asked about people's Covid vaccination status, breaching a policy on private medical data. Source: BBC Technology News...
The company plans to release a new film every week by 2022 with more investment in original content. Source: BBC Technology News...
From credit card fraud to benefit fraud, the problem costs the UK up to £190bn a year, a report says. Source: BBC Technology News...
The media regulator decided not to pursue complaints about decency over the channel's satire. Source: BBC Technology News...
Google's Loon bows out - but thousands of satellites are taking to the skies to beam down the internet. Source: BBC Technology News...
President Biden's open dislike of Facebook could spell problems for the social network. Source: BBC Technology News...
Already widely used in China, facial recognition payment is now expanding in other countries. Source: BBC Technology News...
Gamers have been facing inflated prices for months - and it's set to stretch into 2021. Source: BBC Technology News...