13 Jun Five key challenges to make AI safe
AI will either improve our lives enormously or destroy us all, the experts tell us - so how could we make it safe? Source: BBC Technology News...
AI will either improve our lives enormously or destroy us all, the experts tell us - so how could we make it safe? Source: BBC Technology News...
The regulator says information about firms and employees has been affected by a cyber-attack. Source: BBC Technology News...
Microsoft had a lot to prove in some people's eyes - did it manage to convince the doubters? Source: BBC Technology News...
Thousands of subreddits are shut down for 48 hours following controversial charging plans. Source: BBC Technology News...
A study into driverless cars has used a "ghost driver" to record other road user's responses. Source: BBC Technology News...
More than 1,000 subreddits will be inaccessible for 48 hours to protest changes. Source: BBC Technology News...
A text-based version of Instagram could potentially let users carry across followers from other apps. Source: BBC Technology News...
BBC Click had exclusive access to a trial exploring the impact of using AI in breast screenings. Source: BBC Technology News...
Crypto bosses could face up to two years' imprisonment if they fail to comply with the new rules. Source: BBC Technology News...
An increasing number of companies are interested in "neurotech", the information commissioner says. Source: BBC Technology News...