15 Dec US woman used bitcoin to move cash to Islamic State, police say
She is accused of taking out fraudulent bank loans and buying bitcoin to funnel cash to IS. Source: BBC Technology News...
She is accused of taking out fraudulent bank loans and buying bitcoin to funnel cash to IS. Source: BBC Technology News...
The internet of things poses new threats to our security, so how should we be fighting back? Source: BBC Technology News...
A researcher finds dozens of UK schools' smart heating systems are vulnerable to being attacked. Source: BBC Technology News...
The bank told a security expert "sorry you feel this way" when a potential vulnerability was found. Source: BBC Technology News...
The avatar, which could be made to flirt and dance, is offline after a suggestion it objectified women. Source: BBC Technology News...
Crytek alleges Roberts Space Industries (RSI) and Cloud Imperium Games "have caused substantial harm". Source: BBC Technology News...
An introduction to the net neutrality debate as a US regulator votes to change its rules. Source: BBC Technology News...
Harry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash is the title of a new story created by computer wizards. Source: BBC Technology News...
The FCC is expected to vote to overturn Obama-era laws relating to net neutrality. We asked people in Washington what they thought about that. Source: BBC Technology News...
This week the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will decide on whether to repeal an Obama-era law that protects "net neutrality". Source: BBC Technology News...