03 Jan Urgent need for terrorism AI laws, warns think tank
The government should 'urgently consider' AI-specific legislation a think-tank says. Source: BBC Technology News...
The government should 'urgently consider' AI-specific legislation a think-tank says. Source: BBC Technology News...
The incident in a virtual world reportedly left the under-16-year-old traumatised. Source: BBC Technology News...
Elon Musk's Tesla is due to release quarterly production and delivery figures on Tuesday. Source: BBC Technology News...
Despite lay-offs and the end of a gaming mainstay, 2023 was a year filled with brilliant video games. Source: BBC Technology News...
Dr Sabesan Sithamparanathan is among a host of Cambridgeshire recipients of New Year Honours. Source: BBC Technology News...
Large technology firms have faced increased scrutiny of their practices in the US and beyond. Source: BBC Technology News...
Gina Neff told the BBC that AI is damaging media organisation's ability to generate profits. Source: BBC Technology News...
The US news organisation claims millions of its articles were used without permission to train ChatGPT. Source: BBC Technology News...
The "limited" ads will feature in content unless people pay £2.99 a month to remove them. Source: BBC Technology News...
Imports and sales of Apple's Series 9 and Ultra 2 watches have been halted over a patent dispute. Source: BBC Technology News...